5th ICMEO conference “Men who care” (2020)

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The 5th International Conference on Men and Equal Opportunities (ICMEO) will be organised 3-4 September 2020 in Tallinn, Estonia and will be also live-stramed. The general aim of this series of conferences is to tackle both the issues of involving more men in promoting gender equality and of gender-specific challenges men face. Issues such as responsibility for self-care, care for others and care for well-being and sustainability of societies as well as gender norms are planned to be addressed both in panel and workshop format, involving a wide range of stakeholders, among them high-level decision-makers, policy-makers, researchers and activists, all together around 200 participants from Nordic and Baltic countries, other EU and CoE Member States, with invited speakers and discussants including experts from other world regions.

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2023-03-02 13:20