Multi-cultural prison in Nordic countries and Russia

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New initiative of the project - promote an inclusion and equality, strengthened cultural exchange and welfare by organizing foster Nordic-Russian cooperation between authorities, universities and NGOs for improvement social inclusion of foreign inmate. Migration to Nordic countries and Russia has increased and so has the number of foreign inmates significantly.Target groups: Nordic and Russian experts and researchers, Russian and Nordic NGOs and local authorities, foreign inmates and ex-prisoners, Nordic and Russian (NW Russia) society, Northern and Russian students. To achieve the goal of the project, we plan to monitoring the situation, organise the expert meetings and seminar for develop recommendations for NGOs on cooperation with local authorities, distribute results of activities by partners web-sites, social networks, mass-media. Geographical area: NW Russia with focus to St-Petersburg and Republic of Karelia, Nordic countries: Finland, Denmark and Norway.

Senast uppdaterad:
2022-11-17 11:02