Arctic mobility grants - Nordic - North America

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north2north is the mobility program of UArctic. Today, the existing funding that finances north2north is not sufficient to cover all the grant applications sent by students. Funding in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Canada is limited. There is no funding in Iceland and in the U.S. This project would enable five students to receive a grant to take part in a mobility exchange in another part of the Arctic. This experience would give them the opportunity to meet other students and academic staff from other Arctic region, share experiences both on the academic and personal level and increase their international networking experience. The selection of the students would be made during the north2north call 2023/24. The selected students would go on exchange during the Fall semester 2023 or Spring semester 2024. After completion of the semester, the students would submit a story about their exchange experience that would be posted on the webpages of UArctic and on Social Media.

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2024-04-12 15:16