Networking for East Atlantic Flyway migratory birds in protected areas of Belarus, Iceland, Norway, and Poland

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This is a complementary and upscaling project towards the project “Networking on SPA/ASCI/IBA for breeding and migratory birds in Poland, Iceland and Norway” supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism. The project is aimed at (1) strengthening of the analytical component of the activities, (2) co-ordination and unification of international effort, and (3) upscaling of the project’s analytical and hands-on conservation activities over the eastern flank of the EAF through covering breeding and stopover ASCI sites of Belarus. The project comprises multilateral activities as follows: (1) collection and systematisation of countries’ data on ASCI/SPA/IBA management, (2) international field workshops in Norway, Iceland, and Belarus, (3) adjustment and implementation of innovative methodology of selection of countries’ key wet grasslands for supporting migration in the four countries, (4) development of the Guidelines on migration-friendly management planning, and (5) final conference in Poland.

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2023-11-20 10:34