Implementation concepts Economusee- Artisans at work

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2.5 Summary The summary must contain a rationale and provide a clear picture of: 1) the project’s background, purpose, and objectives; 2) how the project will be implemented (activities); 3) what is expected to be achieved (output and impact); and 4) the stakeholders and partners associated with the project’s implementation and output. Through virtual meetings in Quebec and Denmark, transfer the expertise of the ÉCONOMUSÉE Network Society (ENS) in the promotion of intangible heritage to Nordic partners, their collaborators and artisan-entrepreneurs, in order to preserve the know-how of artisan-entrepreneurs and various intangible heritage practices. The project will enable ENS to consolidate and pursue its international development in a new country (Denmark), as well learning from best practises and methods from the Nordic partners. Innovative features include the implementation of new Artisans at work concepts, including CULINARY SPACE AND HERITAGE SPACE, as well as the E

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2024-08-07 09:55