Clean Games Baltic Cup 2021

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The project’s goal is to share competence of the Clean Games methodic to organizers of environmental and volunteer events in the countries of the Baltic Sea basin. The main activities are acquisition of organizers in the region (Jan-Mar 2021), an internship for them (Apr 2021), consulting and coordinating them during organizing the Clean Games Baltic Cup (May-Sep 2021), post production (Sep 2021), presentation and the awards at special live session in St. Petersburg, Russia (Oct 2021). The Clean Game Baltic Cup will be held on Sep 18 th 2021 (as part of the World Cleanup Day by Let’s Do It World Foundation) and will consist of 21 games in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus and Russia. In every Clean game, teams gain points for collected and more points for sorted waste. A team's ranking is displayed online at and the mobile app, so teams compete throughout the entire Baltic Sea basin.

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2022-12-22 15:01