Nordic Inclusive Investor Summit 2023

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Nordic Inclusive Investor Summit 2023 is a Nordic Summit co-hosted by Nordic Consulates in New York to celebrate and showcase Nordic technology startups with diverse founding teams towards investors, community builders, and ecosystem leaders in United States. The Summit invited guests to discuss diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in startups, and to discover how all types of investors can unlock the untapped potential and achieve a return on diversity. This year's Summit took place in one of the most thriving tech hubs in the world, New York City. De-spite this metropolitan city is at the forefront of emerging technology and innovation there are still obvious power and gender imbalances present. The initiative promoted tech inclusion and advocated for action towards more diverse and inclusive startup- and investor tech ecosystem with success stories presented by the Nordic countries.

Senast uppdaterad:
2023-12-07 13:24