Nordic LGBTI Conference 2023

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Over the last months, there has been a certain backlash in many cases concerning LGBTI rights, especially trans rights. There has been an increase in hate speech and hate crimes towards the group in the Nordic countries as well as worldwide. Nordic reports show that the LGBTI population has significantly worse living conditions than the majority population. Bisexual and transgender people in particular report significantly more cases of abuse, harassment, and poorer living conditions than the rest of the group. Trans people also come out poorly in the report "Health, well-being and living conditions of young LGBTI persons in the Nordic countries" which NIKK published in August 2021. The project is to bring together LGBTI organizations from the Nordic countries in a conference to better coordinate and support each other in the face of opposition for two days in Reykjavík. Furthermore, it is intended to create an arena for the exchange and dissemination of what is needed to improve t

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2024-01-19 14:55