History in Exile: Dialogue on Russian Memory and History Politics in the Nordic and Baltic Countries

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Historians without Borders in Finland launches History in Exile: Dialogue on Russian Memory and History Politics in the Nordic and Baltic Countries, a project to engage dialogue among historians and history teachers in the Nordic and Baltic countries on Russian memory and history politics and its implications for the status of historical research in Russia. The project, which operates in 2024 and 2025, will organize meetings as well as public events. The project also aims to highlight the experiences of historians and history teachers of Russian background as well as contribute to networking among all historians and history teachers in the Nordic and Baltic countries working at the intersection of history, memory, policy-making and Russian and Eastern European studies. To reach its goals, the project is partnering with the Swedish Historical Society, the Estonian History and Civics Teachers’ Association as well as the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki and EuroClio.

Senast uppdaterad:
2024-06-27 14:37