Time to Get Heard! Co-creating avenues for youth participation for socially sustainable child protection services

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Our co-research, carried out by the main applicant out together with young care leavers in Karelia and Murmansk region, showed that the current Russian child protection system fails to meet the needs of the young care leavers and former service users. Moreover, there are no systematically organized means for young people to get heard concerning the service system they interact with. By building on the Finnish experience of self-organization of former child protection service users as experts of experience - unique also in the Nordic context - the project aims at together with young former service users from Russia, Finland and Norway to co-create 1) new ways of selforganizing, 2) new avenues for youth participation to develop services that better respond to their needs. As a result of our collaboration, we also 2) co-innovate a new tool of digital (remote) support to better serve these young adults. Our co-creative work takes place in interactive multi-stakeholder workshops.

Senast uppdaterad:
2022-08-30 10:42