Strengthening inclusive Baltic journalism in a digital environment

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This project is a continuation of NCM:s support for an inclusive media environment in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 2015-18, which has focused on strengthening production and development of independent and qualitive minority language media (mainly in Russian). The Baltic partner is Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME) in Riga, which was created with NCM support in 2015 and has since become a main actor for support of qualitative media in the region. The project builds on experience from a similar project implemented with BCME in 2017-18 and includes training/mentoring for local Russian-language media, as well as networking events for these actors. Activities will mainly focus on multimedia journalism and story visualization, which intends to support media outlets to remain relevant and sustainable in a demanding media environment. Nordic Journalist Centre (NJC) is a partner in the project and will provide with Nordic best practices in the media field.

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2022-08-30 12:48