Building capacity to use role-play games in Peipsi Lake border region as new tool for increasing the environmental awareness in education

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Building capacity to use role-play games in Peipsi Lake border region as new tool for increasing the environmental awareness in education. This project improves adaptation of the Nordic live action role play games as innovative tool of non-formal learning in environmental awareness education through international experience and knowledge exchange with the Estonian-Russian border area institutions. Nordic Live Action Role-Playing Game (LARP), is a common tool in Sweden. Cross-border experience and knowledge exchange helps to understand how to use it to increase the children's and young people's viability and to develop a more environmentally sustainable society. Main target group are role-play specialists, environmental specialists and educators to build capacity and establish a network to increase the LARP use in formal and non-formal education. Main activities are international LARP seminar in Estonia with practitioners from Sweden (knowledge exchange); development of the report

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2022-10-20 14:58