Biological significance of temporary threshold shift (TTS) in harbour porpoises

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Underwater noise is becoming increasingly problematic in the marine environment as the noise level continues to rise, as well as the knowledge on negative effects on especially marine mammals also increases. Underwater noise originates from for example shipping, piling of windfarms, seismic surveys, military training, clearing of munitions, leisure boats and the fisheries. In the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) underwater noise has been included as a measure for Good Environmental Status (GES). Underwater noise is mentioned specifically in descriptor 11, one of the qualitative descriptors which describe what the environment will look like when GES has been achieved. GES is achieved when the introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment. In this context it is acknowledged that many unknowns still remain in our understanding of effects of noise on marine mammals. In descriptor 11 it is stated that “Atten

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2022-09-19 16:20